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Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet

Basic Commands

# Initialize a Terraform working directory
terraform init

# Create an execution plan
terraform plan

# Apply the changes required to reach the desired state of the configuration
terraform apply

# Destroy the Terraform-managed infrastructure
terraform destroy

Working with States

# List the resources in the state file
terraform state list

# Show detailed information about a single resource in the state file
terraform state show resource_name

# Move a resource from one name to another
terraform state mv old_name new_name

# Remove a resource from the state file
terraform state rm resource_name

Resource Targeting

# Apply changes to a specific resource
terraform apply -target=resource_type.resource_name

# Destroy a specific resource
terraform destroy -target=resource_type.resource_name

Plan and Apply Options

# Save the plan to a file
terraform plan -out=plan.tfplan

# Apply a saved plan
terraform apply plan.tfplan

# Refresh the state file
terraform refresh

Formatting and Validation

# Format Terraform files
terraform fmt

# Validate the configuration files
terraform validate

Output and Variables

# Show the output values from the state file
terraform output

# Show a specific output value
terraform output output_name

# Set variables from a file
terraform apply -var-file="variables.tfvars"


# Initialize the modules
terraform get

# Update the modules
terraform get -update

Workspace Commands

# List all workspaces
terraform workspace list

# Create a new workspace
terraform workspace new workspace_name

# Select a workspace
terraform workspace select workspace_name

# Delete a workspace
terraform workspace delete workspace_name

# Show the current workspace
terraform workspace show


# Enable detailed logs

# Save logs to a file
export TF_LOG_PATH=./terraform.log

Provider Versions

# Upgrade provider versions
terraform init -upgrade

# Lock provider versions
terraform providers lock

Terraform Cloud & Remote

# Login to Terraform Cloud or Enterprise
terraform login

# Logout from Terraform Cloud or Enterprise
terraform logout