- Books
- Tools
Unit Testing
- What it is: Testing a very small part of the program, such as a specific function, to see if it is working properly.
- Example: Checking if a function to add two numbers is actually adding correctly.
Integration Testing
- What it is: Testing if different parts of the program work well together.
- Example: Checking if a function to add works well together with a function that displays the result on the screen.
System Testing (End to End Testing)
- What it is: Testing the entire program to see if it is working as it should.
- Example: Checking if a drawing application allows you to draw, save and open drawings correctly.
Acceptance Testing
- What it is: Testing if the program meets the needs and expectations of users.
- Example: Checking if a computer game is fun and easy to play, as players expect.
Regression Testing
- What it is: Testing the program after making changes to ensure that nothing broke.
- Example: Checking if after adding a new character to the game, the old characters still work well.
Performance Testing
- What it is: Testing whether the program works quickly and well even when many people are using it.
- Example: Checking whether a website doesn’t slow down when many people are accessing it at the same time.
Load Testing
- What it is: Testing whether the program can handle a large number of users or a lot of information at the same time.
- Example: Checking whether a game server can handle 1000 players online at the same time without crashing.
Security Testing
What it is: Testing whether the program is safe against people who try to do bad things, like stealing data. Example: Checking whether an online store protects customers’ credit card information well.
Usability Testing
What it is: Testing whether the program is easy to use and understand. Example: Checking whether a drawing application is easy for children to understand and use.
Compatibility Testing
What it is: Testing whether the program works well on different devices and operating systems. Example: Checking whether a music application works on both iPhones and Android phones.
In short
- Unit Testing: Tests small parts.
- Integration Testing: Tests whether parts work together.
- System Testing: Tests the entire program.
- Acceptance Testing: Tests whether users like it.
- Regression Testing: Tests after changes.
- Performance Testing: Tests speed and efficiency.
- Load Testing: Tests capacity.
- Security Testing: Tests protection.
- Usability Testing: Tests ease of use.
- Compatibility Testing: Tests on different devices.
TDD - Test Driven Development
- Is a software development practice where you write tests before you write the code that will make those tests pass. Here’s a simple summary of the process:
- Write a Test: First, you write a small test for a feature you want to implement. This test should initially fail, because the feature hasn’t been created yet.
- Write the Code: Next, you write the code needed to make the test pass. The code should be as simple as possible to meet the requirements of the test.
- Run the Test: You run the test to verify that the new code makes the test pass. If the test passes, then the feature has been implemented correctly.
- Refactor the Code: Lastly, you can improve or “clean up” the code, ensuring that it remains simple, efficient, and maintainable without breaking functionality.
- Iterate: You repeat these steps for each new feature you want to add.
- The whole idea of TDD is to ensure that every piece of your code is tested from the beginning, helping to prevent bugs and making it easier to maintain and evolve the software.

Arrange, Act, Assert
- Is a simple and organized way to write software tests.
- AAA stands for:
- Arrange: Prepare everything you need for the test. This can include setting up objects, variables, and initial states.
- Act: Perform the action or behavior you want to test. This can be calling a function or method.
- Assert: Verify that the result of the action is what you expected. Here, you compare the result you got with the expected result.
- In short:
- Arrange: Set the stage.
- Act: Execute the action.
- Assert: Verify the result.
- AAA helps make tests clear and structured, making them easier to read and maintain.

Functional and Non-Functional Tests
- Functional Tests
- What are they?
- Tests that verify whether the software does what it should do.
- Example:
- If you have a calculator application, a functional test verifies whether 2 + 2 actually equals 4.
- Focus:
- Functionality and system requirements.
- Test things like: login, registration, calculations, sending emails, etc.
- What are they?
- Non-Functional Tests
- What are they?
- Tests that verify how the software behaves.
- Example:
- If the calculator works correctly when 1000 people use it at the same time.
- Focus:
- Quality and features of the system.
- Test things like: performance (speed), security, usability, reliability, etc.
- What are they?
- In short
- Functional Tests: Verify what the software does.
- Non-Functional Tests: Verify how the software does it.
Mocks, Stubs, Fakes and Spies
Mocks are objects that simulate the behavior of real objects.
They are configured to wait for specific calls and respond in a controlled manner.
- How are they used?
- Used to verify that certain interactions occur during testing.
- Example: You want to ensure that a sendEmail method is called when a new user registers
- How are they used?
// userService.ts
import axios from "axios";
export interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
export async function getUser(userId: number): Promise<User> {
const response = await axios.get<User>(
return response.data;
- userService.test.ts
import axios from "axios";
import { getUser, User } from "./userService";
// Mocking the axios module
const mockedAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>;
describe("getUser", () => {
it("should return user data when the API responds correctly", async () => {
// Arrange
const userId = 1;
const userData: User = { id: userId, name: "John Doe" };
mockedAxios.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: userData });
// Act
const result = await getUser(userId);
// Assert
it("should throw an error when the API returns an error", async () => {
// Arrange
mockedAxios.get.mockRejectedValue(new Error("Network Error"));
// Act and Assert
await expect(getUser(1)).rejects.toThrow("Network Error");
Stubs are objects that return predetermined data and do not have complex logic.
- How are they used?
- Used to provide fixed responses to calls during testing, allowing you to control the test environment.
- Example: A stub can always return the same list of users when calling a getUsers method
- How are they used?
// emailService.ts
export interface Email {
to: string;
subject: string;
body: string;
export async function sendEmail(email: Email): Promise<void> {
// Imagine this function actually sends an email
console.log(`Sending email to ${email.to}`);
- notificationService.ts
// notificationService.ts
import { Email, sendEmail } from "./emailService";
export async function notifyUser(
email: string,
message: string
): Promise<void> {
const emailData: Email = {
to: email,
subject: "Notification",
body: message,
await sendEmail(emailData);
- notificationService.test.ts
// notificationService.test.ts
import { notifyUser } from "./notificationService";
import * as emailService from "./emailService";
describe("notifyUser", () => {
it("should call sendEmail with the correct parameters", async () => {
// Arrange
const email = "test@example.com";
const message = "Hello, this is a notification.";
// Stub the sendEmail function
const sendEmailStub = jest
.spyOn(emailService, "sendEmail")
// Act
await notifyUser(email, message);
// Assert
to: email,
subject: "Notification",
body: message,
// Cleanup
Fakes are simplified implementations that function as lighter versions of the real components.
- How are they used?
- Used when the full implementation is complex or not available. Fakes may have internal logic, but are simpler than the real thing.
- Example: An in-memory database that replaces a real database for testing
- How are they used?
// databaseService.ts
export interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
export interface Database {
getUserById(id: number): Promise<User | null>;
saveUser(user: User): Promise<void>;
export class RealDatabase implements Database {
private users: User[] = [];
async getUserById(id: number): Promise<User | null> {
return this.users.find(user => user.id === id) || null;
async saveUser(user: User): Promise<void> {
- userRepository.ts
// userRepository.ts
import { Database, User } from "./databaseService";
export class UserRepository {
constructor(private database: Database) {}
async getUser(id: number): Promise<User | null> {
return await this.database.getUserById(id);
async addUser(user: User): Promise<void> {
await this.database.saveUser(user);
- userRepository.test.ts
// userRepository.test.ts
import { UserRepository } from "./userRepository";
import { Database, User } from "./databaseService";
// Fake implementation of the Database interface
class FakeDatabase implements Database {
private users: User[] = [];
async getUserById(id: number): Promise<User | null> {
return this.users.find(user => user.id === id) || null;
async saveUser(user: User): Promise<void> {
describe("UserRepository", () => {
it("should add and retrieve a user", async () => {
// Arrange
const fakeDatabase = new FakeDatabase();
const userRepository = new UserRepository(fakeDatabase);
const user: User = { id: 1, name: "John Doe" };
// Act
await userRepository.addUser(user);
const retrievedUser = await userRepository.getUser(user.id);
// Assert
it("should return null if user does not exist", async () => {
// Arrange
const fakeDatabase = new FakeDatabase();
const userRepository = new UserRepository(fakeDatabase);
// Act
const retrievedUser = await userRepository.getUser(1);
// Assert
Is a tool used to monitor and verify the interaction with functions, methods, or objects.
The spy records information about how and how many times a function was called, with which arguments, and can even override the behavior of the original function to verify that it is being used correctly during testing.
// paymentService.ts
export interface PaymentDetails {
amount: number;
method: string;
export class PaymentService {
async processPayment(paymentDetails: PaymentDetails): Promise<void> {
// Imagine this function actually processes a payment
`Processing payment of ${paymentDetails.amount} using ${paymentDetails.method}`
- checkoutService.ts
// checkoutService.ts
import { PaymentService, PaymentDetails } from "./paymentService";
export class CheckoutService {
constructor(private paymentService: PaymentService) {}
async checkout(paymentDetails: PaymentDetails): Promise<void> {
await this.paymentService.processPayment(paymentDetails);
- checkoutService.test.ts
// checkoutService.test.ts
import { CheckoutService } from "./checkoutService";
import { PaymentService, PaymentDetails } from "./paymentService";
describe("CheckoutService", () => {
it("should call processPayment with the correct parameters", async () => {
// Arrange
const paymentService = new PaymentService();
const checkoutService = new CheckoutService(paymentService);
const paymentDetails: PaymentDetails = {
amount: 100,
method: "CreditCard",
// Spy on the processPayment method
const processPaymentSpy = jest
.spyOn(paymentService, "processPayment")
// Act
await checkoutService.checkout(paymentDetails);
// Assert
// Cleanup
Use Cases
- Mocks
- Verify Interactions: Verify that specific methods were called.
- Example: Test that the save function is called with certain arguments after an operation.
- Stubs
- Control the Test Environment: Provide fixed data to ensure predictable results.
- Example: Return a specific response from an API during testing, regardless of what the real API would do.
- Fakes
- Replace Complex Implementations: Use simpler versions of components to make testing faster and more isolated.
- Example: Use an in-memory database for testing instead of a real database that can be slow and difficult to configure.
- Spies
- Capture Interactions: Record how certain components are used during testing.
- Example: Monitor how many times a particular method is called or what parameters were passed to it during a test.
Simple Summary
- Mocks: Simulate and verify interactions (if a method was called).
- Stubs: Provide fixed responses (return predefined data).
- Fakes: Replace real components with simplified versions (they work, but are simpler).
- Spies: Used to monitor and verify the interaction with functions, methods, or objects
Practical Example
- Imagine you are testing an e-commerce application:
- Mock: Verify that the sendInvoice method is called after an order is finalized.
- Stub: Always return the same list of products when calling getAvailableProducts.
- Fake: Use an in-memory database to test adding products to the cart, instead of a real database.
- Spies: Verify if a sendEmail method was called with the correct arguments and received the correct message when user registers.